Huron International School’s First Study Abroad Seminar In Japan

Huron International School held a Study Abroad Seminar in The Ryugaku Journal Counseling Center in Tokyo, Japan on August 16. Many international students’ parents showed up to learn more about our school and had a close conversation with our study abroad consultants.

Mr. Namikawa Sumio, the Japanese agent of Huron International School, hosted the seminar. There were still more than 200 parents attended the seminar, even the number of the parents who could be attended was limited due to the epidemic. (This seminar was held in a room that was disinfected, people who attended the seminar was required to wear a mask and check the temperature, and hand sterilization were provided everywhere.)

First of all, Mr. Namikawa introduced some basic information of studying in Canadian high school and student’s future development. This introduction mainly focused on student’s safety, study abroad at a young age, and Canadian quality education, which gave parents a comprehensive understanding of studying abroad in Canadian high school.

Mr. Namikawa gave parents a thorough introduction to Huron International School’s infrastructure, faculty team, and vision of future education. Meanwhile, parents had the in-depth visit to the campus by following the tour guide around with a video camera: from recreation and sport facilities such as the equestrian field, golf field and hockey arena, to the school facilities such as the teaching building, dormitory and the cafeteria.

After the introduction, the parents were actively participated in the Q&A activities, and had a discussion with our agent Mr. Namikawa. This is a good sign showing that their intention of sending their children to study abroad is not diminishing. We also look forward to seeing the students on campus in person in the near future.