Ontario reopened on last Friday, students will be in class full-time come September

Ontario’s move to Step 3 came days earlier than scheduled thanks to positive trends in COVID-19 vaccination coverage and other public health indicators. The province has been gradually rolling back restrictions as pandemic trends have improved since harsh restrictions were introduced in the spring and vaccinations have picked up speed.

Extracurricular activities, sports teams and clubs could once again be offered in Ontario schools this September, as the government moves towards a normalized education experience for students across the province.

Education Minister Stephen Lecce revealed that, in addition to full-time, in-class learning in September, students should be able to participate in modified activities as long as the pandemic continues to be under control in the community. 

“Our intention is to restore extracurricular and sport and clubs,” Lecce told reporters at a news conference. “There will be adaptations required by public health just to make them safe.” Lecce mentioned the plan for schools will be made public “in a few weeks.”