Three Psychological Health Tips for Our New Students

You’ve made it to high school. Everything is new and exciting — new friends, new places, new things to learn. That’s as it should be.

But, as you’ve probably realized, there are new stresses and new anxieties. With so much to do, so much to experience, so much to learn, balancing school, your social life.

Here are few tips on finding that balance:

Be realistic

It’s fine — and necessary — to have goals, but don’t reach beyond your grasp. There’s only so much time in the day, and if you try to do too much, you’ll likely be stretched too thin and left unable to achieve what you really want. You’ll just find yourself frustrated and anxious. Of course, you should challenge yourself — how else would you grow? — but think seriously about your priorities and interests (and make sure they are YOUR interests, and not what others think you “should” do).

Be time-wise

A big pitfall for new students is procrastination. You might think the 168 hours available to you each week provide plenty of time to plan a project, study for an exam — and still have fun. And they can be, if you avoid avoidance. Learning to set priorities, keeping to a schedule, doing what needs doing — studying for that exam, reading a book — before allowing yourself downtime: these are essential to student success (and life success, too).

Be well

Eating, sleeping, exercising, socializing, and even spending time alone — all these activities need to be incorporated into your student life. A balanced diet — that means moderation on the junk food — regular exercise, and a proper amount of sleep will go a long way toward keeping your stress levels down. Ditto when it comes to the social side of your life. Family, friends, classmates, and your teachers can provide a support system to keep you from feeling overwhelmed when you feel overworked.

Study in Huron International School is likely to be one of the most rewarding times in your life — but it is also one of the most challenging. You can meet that challenge and enjoy the rewards by maintaining a school-life balance that lets you do well academically while also discovering everything life has to offer beyond the classroom.